Day 1 Opening & Session 1 - Imaging and access
Moderators: Joerg Kempfert & Marta Sitges
Procedural analyst: Piotr Suwalski
Live cases introduction Panel
During the live cases:
Preoperative imaging: current status and future perspective by Marta Sitges
Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery: access and exposure by Piotr Suwalksi
Challenges in diagnostic: dynamic component of functional MR by TBC
Live-box-case: robotic mitral valve repair by Feras H. Khaliel
Discussion with the Panel
Moderators: Patrick Perier & Feras H. Khaliel
Chatmaster: Serkan Ertugay
Annuloplasty ring types and sizing: myths and science by TBC
Classic proven resection techniques by Gilles Dreyfus
Non-Resection: how to do “Chordae Loop” by Joerg Kempfert
Non-Resection: how to do “Freehand Chords” by Marco Solinas
Discussion Panel
Special lecture: My journey in mitral surgery by Patrick Perier
Moderators: Fitsum Lakew & Stephan Jacobs
Procedural analyst: Marco Solinas
Chatmaster: Antonio Pitsis
Live cases introduction Panel
During the live cases:
Debriefing of live cases - Day 1 Axel Unbehaun
The concept of Mitral Annular Dysjunction (MAD) Serkan Ertugay
How to repair a “Barlow”? Markus Kofler
How to treat AML and commissural prolapse? Michael Chu
How to deal with MAC? Mario Castillo-Sang
Discussion Panel
Moderators: Mario Castillo-Sang & Marco Di Eusanio
Procedural analyst: Gilles Dreyfus
Chatmaster: Tomas Holubec
Live cases introduction Panel
Live Case 5: Aortic root enlargement Piotr Suwalski
Live Case 6: Mitral valve replacement Michael Chu
During the live cases:
Complications after mitral valve surgery and how to avoid them TBC
Live-box-case: MIS beating-heart Re-Do Tricuspid repair Stephan Jacobs
Live-box-case: MIS transaxillary Double Valve Marco Di Eusanio
Endocarditis: surgical strategies and pitfalls Michael Borger
Discussion Panel
Special lecture: Lifetime management Axel Unbehaun
Moderators: Volkmar Falk & Michael Chu
Procedural analyst: Michael Borger
Chatmaster: Axel Unbehaun
Live cases introduction Panel
Live Case 7: 3D endoscopic Aortic Valve Replacement Joerg Kempfert
Live Case 8: MIS partial sternotomy David Procedure Tomas Holubec
During the live cases:
Debriefing of live cases - Day 2 Axel Unbehaun
Beyond small incisions: ERAS as part of the patient journey Marco Di Eusanio
Training on MIS and endoscopic surgery Antonio Pitsis
Redo after TAVR: technical considerations Volkmar Falk
Discussion Panel
Closure Volkmar Falk